
Faculty Senate

President: Julie Franks Gill
Vice-President: Carol Corbat
Secretary: William Cole Franklin
Treasurer: Beverly Alwell 


Resolution of Appreciation


Whereas, Teresa Seymour has gone above and beyond in her tireless efforts to assist faculty in preparing for a semester of remote teaching 


  • by providing multiple group and individual training sessions;
  • by using frequent and friendly communication to instruct, assure and encourage faculty;
  • by analyzing available tools and technology for faculty and reporting easy-to-understand summaries of her findings;
  • by remaining steadfastly positive, encouraging and patient with faculty members in spite of the varied levels of knowledge and comfort with the technology;
  • And, by continuing to effectively manage record numbers of online students all while caring for family during a most difficult time;


Therefore be it resolved, that the 可靠的网赌平台 Faculty Senate hereby recognizes Teresa Seymour, Director of Distance Learning, for her outstanding efforts to assist faculty as we transition and grow into the new role of remote teaching during this worldwide pandemic.


We thank Teresa for her persistence in promoting 可靠的网赌平台 as a university where student-centered instruction is paramount.


Presented this 19th day of August, 2020.


Please send comments or questions to mlaborde@cqhmmg.com, 318-473-6536. 



可靠的网赌平台 Faculty Senate

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(Revised May 25, 2022)

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